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The "5 Whys" Hack to Focus on the Essential and Necessary

Some people love looking good. The person staring back from the mirror must always look great. They absolutely need the attention of others as well. They need to stay in shape and take care of themselves. They are at their best mentally and emotionally when they receive compliments about their appearance, whether wearing a swimsuit or formal attire.

That might not be who you are. You know the importance of grooming and good hygiene, but you couldn't care less what other people think about your body or clothes. Most of us are somewhere between those two extremes.

You might need to spend lots of time with your children. Maybe your life seems empty without traveling to exotic destinations, or you love spending your free time cooking. In all these examples, you've identified what's necessary for you to lead a rewarding, happy, and fulfilling life. Here's a simple way to uncover what really motivates you—those things that lead to your best life experience.

Ask yourself why?  And do it five times.

Maybe you sit down to discover what motivates you and get several answers. This can destroy your focus and, therefore, the results you create. You can't chase down multiple goals or dreams simultaneously and make significant progress on any of them. You have to understand what your biggest motivator is. 

You can discover this by asking yourself, "Why?" five times.

Here's how it works. Think about a current situation in your life. It can be anything. Maybe you're doing really well financially. Maybe not. Ask yourself why. Whatever that answer is, ask yourself why that's the case. Keep digging deeper by responding to each answer with another question about how that came to be.

This can provide some real revelations. Sometimes you discover that you know exactly what your biggest motivator is. Many times, though, you might be shocked to discover the core motivation that powers your desires and values.

Restructure your life if you need to. Start living according to what motivates you. If the answer to your fifth "Why?" is too vague or doesn't seem like it's who you are, keep asking. This practice will give you a better picture of the necessary things you need to do in your life to achieve the important things.

Applying this concept to your online business can help you sharpen your focus and get rid of some unnecessary distractions. Doing that will allow you to make more structured and efficient use of your time and resources.

I’d love to hear how or if this process helps with the clarity of your focus and more efficient use of your valuable time.

Because clarity and focus matter!


Tom Bevens

