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"One Thing" Trick to Removing Distractions

 Most people would agree that success in just about anything is tough with too many distractions. Think of a time when you were “in the zone” and got a lot accomplished. You probably had a laser focus. Your energy was high.

 Whatever the situation, distractions were few and/or just plain ignored. Your time, energy, and possibly money were all devoted to a singular vision. The desired result was accomplished because structure and order are beautiful to the human brain.

 Sensory clutter, whether it’s due to physical, visual, or other sense distractions, by focusing on one objective with few to no distractions, you have a much greater chance of success.

 One way to lead a more fulfilling, rewarding, and successful life is to use the

"One thing" trick.

Focus on Changing Just One Thing at a Time

What small change can you make today that will push you closer to some incredible dream reality?

 Get rid of the laundry list of activities so you can focus better. Think about just one thing. Even if all those things on your list need to happen before you have achieved something, you can only do one thing at a time.

 Each step will bring you closer to your ultimate goal.

Let’s take that one step.

Make your free time work for you. With your planner in front of you, ask yourself:

  1. “What’s one thing I can do in the next few minutes that would remove an unnecessary distraction or time-waster from my life?”
  2. “What’s one thing I can do this weekend to get more clarity and focus regarding something important?"
  3. "What’s "one thing or activity” you could tackle next week?"

Devote some time to this task and then take it one step further.

One thing each day is seven things accomplished in just one week.

Try to expand this approach to your week, a month, or a year. It’s just one thing!

Let’s Break It All Down into Bite-Sized Actions That Are Easy to Accomplish.

This “one thing” trick can help remove the clutter and distractions while providing the mental and emotional energy to stay focused on your big task.

Start by asking yourself the important questions:

  1. What's it going to take to achieve my goal?
  2. What are the individual steps I need to complete?

This allows you to break it down into several small, targeted tasks that need to be done. Put them into a logical sequence and then get to work by scheduling those smaller actions.

This “one thing” trick helps to clarify your focus and remove distractions.

Removing one distraction or obstacle one at a time may not seem like much at first, but they add up and can make an exponential impact on your life.

Identifying what's necessary to achieve your goals and then completing one thing at a time allows you to make more efficient and productive use of your time.

Now is the perfect moment to take that first step. What’s the “one thing” you can do right now that will bring you closer to your goals?

Commit yourself to start today so your future self will thank you.

Sharing tips and tricks that work for me.

I would love to hear what works for you.


Tom Bevens

